Getting to Lean, LLC | Robert B. Camp, Lean Transformation Coach | 704.798.6980 | [email protected]

Leadership Mentoring

Leading a LEAN transformation is characteristically different from the method of leadership you learned in business school or in advancing up the chain of command. Metrics you’ve grown to depend on are no longer valid when you transition to LEAN. Case in point: most Accounting organizations count inventory as an asset. LEAN considers it a liability and works to reduce inventory levels as much as possible.

But business metrics are only one of your concerns. LEAN takes a long-view, disregarding the month-to-month fluctuations and focusing on the end game. LEAN develops a long-range strategy and a tactical execution plan. It then develops a series of accountabilities for each person in a management role.

Creating the strategy (Hoshin Kanri) and executing a tactical plan (Kaizen & Kaikaku) is characteristically different than the typical 5-year plan & its execution. First, this plan will be used daily, not stored on a shelf. Second, everyone in the organization will be held accountable for meeting or exceeding expectations set by the two plans. Third, these plans will pull you together as a team, not drive you to protect your personal silos

All those are significant changes from the status quo. They will necessitate training and ongoing coaching.

Finally, the Continuous Improvement elements of LEAN are dependent on employee participation. That requires a new relationship with employees, truly treating them as your firm’s most valuable asset. Once again, training and coaching can help your entire organization reach its fullest potential.